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英语热词:“诺贝尔奖”Nobel Prize

较多人都晓得诺贝尔奖是瑞典闻名电化学家、硝化细菌甘煎炸药科学发明人阿尔弗雷德?诺贝尔用继承是股权基ag3688九游会创的,那样诺贝尔奖各有几大类,每类个人奖又有些什么特意优点呢?使各位混着来分析看吧。   依照诺贝尔遗嘱继承,热学奖和检查是否奖由瑞典皇室完美实验院考核评价,身体或医疗奖由瑞典皇室卡罗林医员工考核评价,诗歌创作奖由瑞典文员工考核评价,复兴奖由澳大利亚议会挑选出。区域经济奖委派瑞典皇室完美实验院考核评价。4个授奖公司的设置有这个由三人组合成的诺贝尔协会会负责管理参评上班,该协会会3年一批。诺贝尔基金投资会于1900年成立,1902年第一回授于奖项名称。

  Nobel Literature Prize / Nobel Prize in literature 诺贝尔文学奖

  The Nobel Prize in literature has been awarded annually to an author from any country who has, in the words from the will of Alfred Nobel, produced "in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction".   The Swedish Academy decides who, if anyone, will receive the prize in any given year.   结合推出者的遗产分割,诺贝尔古典古典乡土古典文学奖励金获取“附近12个月来”“在古典古典乡土古典文学方向艺术剧本创作提起诉讼天经地义想人格缺陷的绝佳影片的人”。1900年经皇帝报批的一般条例中变成“历余载来艺术剧本创作的”或“历余载来才彰显出其意义所在的”影片,“古典古典乡土古典文学影片”的说法发展为“有着古典古典乡土古典文学价格的影片”,即分为历史上和哲学理论重要著作。

  Nobel Peace Prize 诺贝尔和平奖

  According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize should be awarded to the person who “ ...shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses”.   奖给为有利于促进民族特点和谐融洽、退出或裁掉常用的军队和为光明大会的集体和宣传点尽到较大付出或受到较大提供的人。的该荣誉奖也会授与符合标准受奖能力的培训机构与集体。   Nobel Physics Prize / Nobel Prize in physics 诺贝尔电学学奖   This award is administered by the Nobel Foundation and widely regarded as the most prestigious award that a scientist can receive in physics.   奖给在物理性界有最猛大的发觉或研制的人,由瑞典王室清新数工程学院发证年奖。   Nobel Chemistry Prize / Nobel Prize in chemistry 诺贝尔化学工业奖   The award is presented in Stockholm at an annual ceremony on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death.   奖给在普通机械上都有最重要大的出现或改善的人。该荣誉奖于次年的1年末10日——诺贝尔的离逝一周一定年龄念日签发。   Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine诺贝尔生理特点学或医药学奖   This prize is awarded once a year for outstanding contributions in the medical field.   奖给在医学专业和身理学术界有最猛大的察觉的人。   Nobel Economics Prize 诺贝尔划算学奖   Sveriges Riksbank celebrated its 300th anniversary in 1968 by donating a large sum of money to the Nobel Foundation. The following year, the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded for the first time.   诺贝尔社会ag3688九游会发展学说奖早已不诺贝尔遗书中提升的六大奖励金方向最为,是由瑞典各大信用社在1967年为缅怀诺贝尔而新增的,称怎么读因为“缅怀阿尔弗雷德-诺贝尔瑞典各大信用社社会ag3688九游会发展学说奖”。
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